Hardware Development
With more than 20 years experience, JSW has rich and wide technology knowledge to support our customer in design the product from idea to mass production. From wireless IP Camera, smart home detection sensors, to even comprehensive smart door lock, JSW could fulfill all your needs.
Feasibility Study
Our experts could support customers to evaluate and provide recommendations or solutions on the project you wish to do. No more try and error and save your time and resources.
Project Management Service
Nothing more important to keep the project on track and meets the time to market opportunity. Each project/product will have dedicate team for project suppot to ensure you never miss your milestone.
Off-The-Shelf Solutions
A wide selection of readily-available products and software solutions for different applications and demands. If we don't have it, we could also design it for you.
Customized Solutions
From industrial design, hardware specification, firmware adjustment to own cloud integration, we have rich experience which we have the confidence to provide the customization you need.


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